BioVLAB-MMIA-NGS is built upon three-layered system architecture. (1) Front layers handles user interactions, and (2) the second layers holds application registration information. (3) The third layer is computational resources for the analysis.

System Architecture

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Three-layered BioVLAB-MMIA-NGS system architecture.
  • Front layer
  • Users interact with BioVLAB-MMIA-NGS system through web browser interface. Users’ inputs are directly injected to pre-configured workflow , and XBaya, a workflow composer, is invoked to interact with users at runtime.
  • Middle layer
  • All applications and databases required by miRNA-mRNA integrated analysis pipeline are registered in the middle layer. Apache Airavata server holds the registration information and at each analysis stemps it communicates with front layer and back layer.
  • Back layer
  • Back layer takes a role as computational resources. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), is integrated with BioVLAB-MMIA-NGS for data-intensive computing to process large volume of sequencing data and Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) stores all the results from BioVLAB-MMIA-NGS analysis.i

With this three-layered architecture, BioVLAB-MMIA-NGS becomes flexible and extensible system without any dependencies between layers

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