This page supports to setup the all the parameters and user inputs for multiclass RNA-seq DEG selection. Each selectd parameters and user inputs will be directly injected to construct the workflow.



Before starting this web service, users have to upload a gene expression matrix and a sample condition file.

Gene expression

A gene expression file can be made by Tophat followed by GenomicRanges or HTSeq. These packages map raw reads to a reference genome and return the mapped reads count of each genes. Sample names are written in the first line of the fille and gene names are written in the first column. All columns should be tab-seperated.
Caution: When you use SAMseq, the values in input file should be integers.

Sample condition file

A sample condition file indicates the class labels of each sample. The number of columns should be the same as the number of samples. All columns are tab-separated.


For the results, the web service returns the DEGs list and provides a bar plot and a box plot of each deg.

